Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where to start

I am 29 years old and I will be 30 in January. My husband and I started our family three years ago when I got pregnant with my daughter, Madeline who was 2 in August. We conceived with no problems after two months and I had a normal healthy pregnancy delivering vaginally at 38 weeks after my water broke on its own.

We've enjoyed parenthood immensely and April of this year we decided to try to add to our family. I had noticed increased bleeding before my period since last fall even before we were trying to conceive and approached my OB/GYN about it a few times. She dismissed this as normal each time until in July of 2010 when I finally demanded she order a few tests to see if everything was ok. The ultrasound of my uterus was completely normal but the day three blood work she ran came back abnormal. My Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) came back at 14.9. Anything under 10 is considered normal so I was referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

My first visit to the RE was in October of 2010. The RE delivered the bad news that my high FSH may indicate that I have diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) or premature ovarian failure (POF). This basically means my ovaries are trying to send me into menopause early. There really is no reason this happens. 

I've had a number of tests to assess my and my husband's reproductive health. I've had my FSH, thyroid, prolactin, estradiol, lutenizing hormone and progesterone tested and all my other hormones have come back normal. I had a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) that showed that my fallopian tubes are open and two normal postcoita (PC)  tests where my husband's sperm is observed in my fertile cervical mucous to see if my cervical fluid looks good for ovulation and that there is enough motile sperm.

My RE has observed me with ultrasounds through two cycles now confirming ovulation by seeing a follicle be the proper size before ovulation and confirming that it released. Cycle # 8 in October we tried 100 mg of clomid CD 5-9 and progesterone in my luteal phase (to help with the bleeding that I have). The This cycle I also had my blood tested before and after the clomid (clomid challenge test) to see my FSH and Estradiol levels and how I reacted to the clomid and everything looked like I responded well. On CD 14 ultrasound I had two great looking follicles, but still didn't end up pregnant.

Cycle #9 started in November 2010 and I will be taking 150 mg clomid CD 4-6 and 100 mg CD 7-8 and I'll be meeting with my RE on CD 13 for a PC, ultrasound, blood work and to go over the testing that has been done thus far.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Starting my new blog

I will be starting a blog or journal to help me deal with the possibility of not having anymore children.